Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Christmas Spirit

Santa Biker in training :)

Merry Christmas!!

It's no secret that I have been struggling this year and now that the holiday season is upon us, I am doing what I can to hold onto the Christmas spirit as tightly as possible, this is my favorite time of year and I'm going to keep it that way :). So, over the weekend we put up the tree and got Nate a Santa hat. The hat is too cute, we walked around Walmart with it on his head before buying it and sooo many people kept saying "awww...look at the baby...and how cute!" He did a good job of spreading some cheer that day :). The tree has not been so lucky, unfortunately Nate would rather use the ornaments as baseballs and throw them all, so only the top half of the tree has decoartions and even those are few...Oh well, maybe next year :)

Top half of the tree

Bottom of the tree...even the garland is gone


  1. Aww... how cute Nate looks in his Santa hat! This is the first year we have had our Christmas tree not on a table in a corner, so don't feel bad about your "half-naked" tree!

  2. Aww, i'm loving your tree and your son.!

  3. Inquisitive minds wanna know! Love the hat!

  4. Santa on a chopper is SO the Christmas spirit. Rock on !!

  5. i had a very sad man in my cab a couple of years ago. he'd lost a daughter a month earlier. he said that if he could live life over, he would have had more children.

    very cute kid.

  6. Hi... just wanted to comment about your comment on my blog, but I didn't have your email so I am leaving it here. Thanks for the kind words! I might be asking you for some blog fodder come the end of this month!
