Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obsess Much? Me? Noooo

I lie, I'm obsessed with RP, I admit it (sorry Mark). I bought the Twilight Soundtrack last weekend and have been listening to it over and over and there's a song by Rob Pattinson called "Never Think", so I decided this morning I would search youtube for a video. Well I found a ton of RP videos of him singing and well, it has done nothing but fuel the for fun and for fellow obsessed RP is what I found..This one was done by fan, but the music is RP singing..


  1. It's hard for me to obsess because he looks like my daughter's ex-boyfriend. haha

  2. You know. I still haven't read OR seen the movie.

  3. O.K. maybe I need to read these books. Everyone is into them and I feel left out of the obsession. My daughter has all four, so I have no excuse!

  4. So you're one of those too, huh? LOL :) Twilight crazies? I can't seem to turn right or left without finding some lady in love with the vampire guy. Ah well..fuel the fire. It's harmless. Right? Right???

  5. I'm going to go check him out!
