Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mom, mom, mom, momma, mommy, mom...

And it just keeps going...until I turn my head and very loudly say WHAT. If I have to hear one more time how the dogs butt smells or there's a bug outside and why do bugs live outside and why do I do this and why that, I think I might just run away. Some days are awesome, some days I love every why and how come and whats this for, but today..well, today it's just too much. Today is a hide in the bed with the covers pulled over my head and listen to whiny chic music and watch sappy movies and cry and then laugh at myself for being such a girl! Well I am a girl so I guess this type of behavior is allowed, but it's not happening because all I can hear is Mommmmmm, mommmm, mommmm, mommmaaaa, mommmyyyyy, mommmmmmm.....

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